Friday, August 13, 2010

One after another

Today is the last day of the week, many tests had past but there are more to come. But today is a projects day final judging, and our group was one of the last ones to present. It is totally a new experience; although it is the same class, there are no audience except for other groups which are waiting for their turn. This gave me more freedom in my speech and I was not as nervous as the previous semi-finals judging, where students are all staring at us.
This year my group's projects day result is far better than last year, where we did not even get through semi-finals. This time, we did maths, which I actually thought of doing it last year. But my cluster mentor said that I should not do because other teams are far better than us as they are either very experienced or has a very strong foundation in maths. Even though our maths may not be as good as some of the maths guys in the maths category, but what we did was simple and easy, it is the folding of paper strips to form different polygons, and this helped us get through semi-finals.
During our judging, we were very nervous as we were not certain if Dr Ang, one of the very cruel judges in the maths category, would judge us or not. The group before us was judged by him, but he switched with another teacher when it was our, this actually greatly boosted our morale and I think we did present well during the presentation. The judges asked us about how we got our ideas, and we said that it was just a Eureka! Groups after us also did very well, especially the last group, their presentation was very unique, group members asked each other questions to clear the doubts in the judges' mind, it was obvious that they made great preparations.
Anyway, I really hope we can get to grand finals even though the other teams did really well.