Saturday, July 4, 2009

1. Lotteries have been called a tax on the poor. Ultimately at only a dollar or two a ticket, anyone can play the lotteries. However, many people become addicted to buying tickets and they can cause family/marital problems. Discuss this topic with a parent and get their view on lotteries and specifically lotteries in Singapore . Include at least one quote from an adult, one quote or reference from either an NPR presentation or YouTube video in your discussion. Your blog entry has to be at least 200 words in length and you must either support lotteries or condemn them.

This is the answer:

Lotteries to a lot of people especially the poor is hope. By paying a dollar or two, one gets the hope to have big dreams eg. big houses and cars. Of course, in reality lottery buying is a form of gambling, in a legal way

Lotteries come in different names such as Singapore Pool, 4-Digits, Toto, etc. In whatever name, it's still gambling and it is done on a few times a week basis. On numerous occasions, grandma mentioned to me that her friends during her young days used a big chunk of money to pay off their lottery debts when they received their monthly pay as most of them purchased through illegal bookies. That was easily 40 years ago and this it is still happening to this very day. It may not be the same people (as all her friend are old and retired) but the scenario is still the same.

During drawing days, all the lottery outlets are packed with people rushing to put in their bet. Most of the time, these punters have a long list for the counter clerks and these punters pay by the hundreds of dollars. Surely, this type of addiction put a toll on their family members as they have less to spend on their essential items. This is especially true in a poor family as the family members are the one compromising.

My grandmother had once stroked a six-digit number of money. But then, she bought no properties. Still, until now, we are just living normally, no more, no less. But still, I believe that we got to put our nose to the grindstone in order to get success.